Advisor Websites is hosting a webinar about using better B2C prospecting techniques. We say better, because everything can always get better! This will take place on the 26th of April, 2016. There will be a recording available afterwards. The goal is to help improve your lead generation with some better B2C prospecting techniques.
These techniques don't cost a fortune. But do really demand some planning, execution and monitoring/controlling.
Follow this link to register for the webinar.
As a financial advisor, it can be a bit tricky trying to expand your client base.
Although exceptions to this rule exist, the advisors who outlast their peers and are nearing retirement with a big book of business are usually those who did more prospecting (and more effective prospecting) earlier in their career.
This webinar will cover both offline and online techniques. It will be useful for new advisors, or experienced advisors that want to brush up on current best practice techniques.
All of our tips come from some of the best financial advisors in the world.
This webinar is mainly for financial advisors. While other professions could pull value, this is primarily for financial advisors. This webinar is not meant for potential customers that may be looking for a financial advisor.
The main takeaways to pull out of this webinar are:
- The confidence to look in the mirror and be self critical. To showcase who you want to be.
- How to utilize a higher level of analytical protocol around your client list.
- The concept of putting yourself in 'the other' and put yourself in their shoes.
- Personas and the importance (or non importance) of them.
- The importance of having a strong website presence to go along with in person.
- Figuring out where that prospect is and how going to them is a smart play.
- How segmenting the client list can work to your advantage.
This webinar will last about an hour and will be hosted by Nitesh Verma.
Here is the link for the registration page: