Do You Know When It's Time To Revamp Your Financial Website?

Fiona Leung
Fiona Leung • Posted on Mar 29, 2016

Do You Know When It's Time To Revamp Your Financial Website?

First impressions are everything. Whether we decide to purchase a new car or choose to hire a financial advisor, many of our decisions are influenced by our underlying judgments that derive from first impressions. 

Your website also creates first impressions that actually matter a whole lot to the survival of your brand. Viewers landing on your site for the very first time judge whether they can easily navigate around it, find what they're looking for fast and if it meet's their expectations. If your website fails to do any of the above, you can bet they're never returning again.


So do you know when it's time to revamp your financial website? Here are some key indications and what you can do if it isn't.

1.) Barely to No Leads/Traffic Generated


Numbers don't lie. If you're experiencing a constant downward trend in conversions, sales or engagement activities, that's a huge sign that there is a disconnect with your audience either in the design of the site or the content you have on it.

To get to the bottom of this problem, first pinpoint the areas and extent to which a refresh is applicable. For instance, if you're not generating enough traffic, consider creating a blog page to which you will push out content every week on and promote it through all your social media sites.

Here's a tutorial on how to check your website's statistics.

2.) It just looks old

A website's aesthetics reflect directly on the perception and trustworthiness of your brand. Touching base on the first indication above, if you're website is experiencing declining metrics, this could also be a good sign that your website is in dire need of revamping its appearance.

What was deemed "hot" few years back isn't anymore as aesthetics continue to evolve. In response, you need to adapt to this constant flux.

Financial Partners | Best Responsive Financial Advisor Websites

So... how can you really tell if your website's appearance is old and needs a refresh?... looking at better performers and big name financial firms. Here's how you can review their website/s (while being objective, of course): 

  • look at the way their content is laid out
  • review their choice of colors and their implementation 
  • notice their call to action buttons and their placement
  • see their offers for visitors (e.g. free eBooks or newsletters)

By seeing what big names are doing out there, you can learn to adopt their techniques for success.

If you would like to see what AW offers in terms of modern yet professional designs, check out this link. Also, here are some examples of successful AW sites.

3.) You're Not Providing Fresh, Quality Content

Essential Content for Your Advisor Website

The design of a website is what attracts viewers, but it's the quality of content that gets them to stay.

If you're not your making an effort to push out fresh, quality content on your website, this could also be a significant reason to which your metrics are down. 

For instance, if your website isn't actively providing its viewers informative yet interesting reads either through a blog page or a newsletter section on your website, consider doing so!

AW offers a periodical content library filled with many pre-written articles for you!

In Summary...

A website refresh does not necessarily have to be an overhaul but more so as an aesthetic improvement to keep your brand current. Think of it as an uplift that can help you breathe life into your brand and thus, gain more traffic!


If you're website is experiencing a slowdown in lead generation or simply looks old, these are great indications that it needs a refresh.

Remember, maintaining your website can refresh the experience of you loyal customers while attracting new ones, all helping your brand gain success.


If you have any questions or need updates made to your website, contact our support team. If you would like a redesign, please fill in this form


About Advisor Websites, A Snappy Kraken Company

Founded in 2012, we specialize in helping financial advisors stand out and grow their business online with conversion-friendly, personalized websites and targeted digital marketing solutions, all of which follow FINRA and SEC guidelines.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only. If you are planning to implement a new marketing practice and are unsure what the regulations are, always contact your compliance department first.

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